Do you ask these questions?
As the economy and the earth evolve. Do you ever wonder what is going to happen next in your life? Are you the type of person that is living pay check to pay check? Do you have a form of illness that you suffer from that seems to interfere with the life you want to live? Do you doubt that you will find your soulmate? If you noticed these are some of the most common concerns that people face. It is also in different areas of life that people want some type of meaning or fulfilment. But let me ask you this question. Do you live in the present? Because even though these are valid questions. These types of questions can originate from the past or thinking about the future. These are in essence the reality you are making. Thought is energy. Everything is made out of energy. Energy can not be created or destroyed. Therefore it is crucial to properly use the energy you do have to recognize one thing: Grace.
What is your perspective on life?
Instead of rushing through your day. Take time to slow down. One thing I have come to realize is to be in the moment. Because not every day is the same. We never know what is around the corner. For instance, I did a yin yoga class to ground myself and be in the community. Like everyone else, life has a way of going by fast. But I knew I needed this time to slow down and catch up with other like-minded people. After I felt tuned up to Spirit. On my drive back home there was a big accident. I try to recognize these moments of protection and support I have from above as that could have been me. I say a quick prayer for those who were in the accident. I don’t necessarily look to see the accident but recognize the importance of life and being grateful. As well not, letting the negative thoughts take control of my mind by the incident. This is life.
Looking at incidents for growth and change
But also we can change our thoughts to change our reality over time. That is where grace comes in. If you can see the positive things that have happened in the moment. You can use this to shift your thoughts. For instance, looking at small simple things that just seem to work out for you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be anything major. Not like there is anything wrong with that. But for instance, having the money to get something from the groceries with the exact cash. While realizing you can still have some money left over to treat yourself to something nice. Another small example is when you call an agency for help or information is shorter than the allocated time the machine said you would have to wait is grace. Just seeing these small things may seem significant. But when you realize these things it is a step forward to express gratitude and have a positive mindset. There is scientific proof of gratitude. Look for yourself: on psychology
The world is not as dark as you think
Sometimes the best thing to do is just turn off the news and spend time to yourself. Not everything you read or listen to is healthy for you. Taking time to meditate and foster self-love is important in this evolving world. Some people may try to respond negatively to you. But it may be because they see a change in you that they don’t like and you are no longer influenced by their thinking. Take that as a good sign of progress. Because you are changing a shift in your reality. Seeking grace to appear in your life doesn’t have to come in big forms. But the more you see the small miracles the more you will recognize the bigger ones as well. Even if you can write in a journal to keep track of all the times you have seen favour from above. This will increase your gratitude and awareness. You will not feel alone.