Spiritual Senses

Spiritual Senses

Growing up, I had no idea that I had a spiritual body. No one told me! Yet I instinctively knew there was more to life than what I was being shown and what was around me. After wondering what life was really all about in my 20’s, I met a new friend whose inspiration and teachings launched me into decades of study, endless workshops, and various healing transformational processes. It was the beginning of a lifelong spiritual journey. As I am now of service as a Spiritual Teacher and Healer, I know I will be journeying spiritually until I leave this Earth. The inner work continually evolves me and my sensibilities. My journey is giving my true divine self back to me as I now walk peacefully in love and joy from my core, from what I believe is my soul body. 

Perhaps a spark of curiosity about the soul and divine self-mastery is within each of us, especially when we’re young and looking at the world with fresh eyes, or perhaps when unexpected tragedy tests us. As I now know the power and just some of the mystery surrounding the soul body, I believe this to be so. It can be hard to get to because inner spiritual evolvement takes work! (As well, the powers of organized religion tend to limit and guide us away from inner personal spiritual development). Persistence and determination have brought me to this moment in which I am constantly transforming and evolving from the inside out. Change is the only constant in life and the changes from constant transformation keep me feeling alive more each day like never before! The gifts from knowing your soul are simply phenomenal.

There are many components to living in the power and alignment of one’s soul.

A good place to start is with a practice of breath work, meditation, and a consciousness of living in the present moment. With the past gone and the future not yet here, the fullness of life and living are available in this moment only. 

The great challenge of being able to let go of the past and release worry about the future is commonly a tall order for the human mind that has been taught to live in the past and constantly plan for the future. With a goal of attaining inner freedom from repetitive controlling thoughts, the practice of emptying the mind through meditation practices is popular. Breath work can keep us in the present moment by having us focus on each inhale and exhale, guiding ourselves to stay in each moment of the life force energy of each breath. When the mind wanders, simply direct it back to the focus of each breath and the letting go of thoughts. We have great teachers in the observance of our children and the animals. Young children are absorbed in whatever is going on in their present moment. They’re brightly alive! Animals are not tethered to the past or the future but live their fascinating natural selves moment to moment. 

To achieve liberation from controlling thoughts of the past and future, we can consider the linear time frame and calendar that we live by. Spiritualists and quantum physics teach us that there is no time or space in the Cosmos. A deep subject. Perhaps time is exclusive to our planet. Maybe other planets have life and a different way of living with time. It’s exciting that scientists, spiritualists, and others are working to learn about how science meets spirituality. It is quantum physics. The quantum fields are the realms of infinite possibilities. It is believed that nature is governed by these quantum fields where there is no space or time. It’s a good moment to think out of the box!

When our energies are focused in each moment, living fully alive in the present rewards us with the enlivenment of all our senses. Conscious awareness of the senses allows us to feel ourselves and others from the inside out. It is the natural order of life. It is a fantastic gift.

With the liberation of the senses, it becomes accessible to become grateful and happy! May take some practice, some doing, but we are magnificent beings with miraculous souls here to play and evolve as spirit in form. I wonder… since we have the capability to be grateful and happy, i.e. conscious, why shouldn’t we be?! As we express it, we become a living example to show others that it is possible, despite the current state of the world and perhaps especially because of the current state of the world. It is a precious, divine gift to have the potential to be joyous, grateful, peaceful, kind, creative, playful, and free, along with all the precious gifts that come with consciousness. I believe it is within the Great Awakening that is calling to each of us. 

Come join the ultimate ride of the Great Awakening! The gifts are endless.

I give thanks and feel love in the divine light of our precious lives. Blessings Be.

About Jill Okura

Working with the Divine Light while informed by the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Benevolent Cosmic Realms, Jill Okura created Soul Heart Mind Merge, a book to share her channeled teachings for guidance to living as sovereign Divine Self-Masters in today’s times. With knowledge of the multi-dimensionality of humans and the intention of guiding us to the remembrance of our True Selves, Jill has a mission to live as a divine sovereign being with direct channels to Creator God Source and the self-empowered lives we’re meant to live. The Soul Heart Mind Merge wants to align you with your true, powerful, loving Soul-Self.


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Jill Okura

Working with the Divine Light while informed by the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Benevolent Cosmic Realms, Jill Okura created Soul Heart Mind Merge, a book to share her channeled teachings for guidance to living as sovereign Divine Self-Masters in today’s times. With knowledge of the multi-dimensionality of humans and the intention of guiding us to the remembrance of our True Selves, Jill has a mission to live as a divine sovereign being with direct channels to Creator God Source and the self-empowered lives we’re meant to live. The Soul Heart Mind Merge wants to align you with your true, powerful, loving Soul-Self.