I would like to say that your circumstances don’t define you. But only your character and integrity. For out of love for yourself, The Presence of the Divine in your life will cultivate surrender and contentment to allow resilience in whatever you are going through.
The time and energy you take for yourself will awaken the higher consciousness within you. This will allow you to be aware of the prosperity that you have. It will come in different forms at times. But prosperity in the consciousness is holistic. It doesn’t always come away right in financial numbers but will allow you to transform the energy of currency to allow you to convert the time and energy to what you desire. Have you ever had concerns about your financial well-being? This is a time to look within and take time for yourself. You are more than able to have the wealth you desire. It will come with discovering your God-given gifts and how you want to contribute to your community or even the world.
Set some time by yourself and have a notebook on hand. Make sure that it is quiet and you are alone. Now is the time to do some breathwork. Close your eyes and take 3 – 5 deep breaths. Inhale for 6 secs, hold for 3 secs, exhale for 6 secs hold for 3 secs. I like to use a visualization of someone who was an important figure in my life. That would be my mother in spirit cheering me on. This could be anything. As long as it makes you feel the emotions of love, gratitude, and peace. If you want to add music. I sometimes add some binaural music during my meditation. Find out what will work for you to generate positive thoughts and emotions. Everyone is a unique individual who can align with the Source or God that works for them if they truly desire.
Once you have finished that step. Write some open-ended questions to allow the Divinity within to answer your questions. For example: I have written, “What can I do to change my current financial situation?” “Is there any blocked energy of unforgiveness that is hindering my evolution?” “What talents do I have that can change my circumstances?” This will allow your creativity and genius within to be expressed. This is the essence of God.
Now circumstances may come that will question what you are doing. It is good to remind yourself that you are guided and protected. This may come in the form of some type of affirmation. Love yourself and don’t feel like you have to be perfect. This is a process not perfection.
What you believe and tell yourself is key. We all have that inner chatterbox that says we are either not good enough, we can’t do that or it wouldn’t happen. Part of that is either due to how we were raised, our current external environment, or who we associate with. But the Creator loves us and has our back. It is okay to dream. Just don’t let anyone including yourself talk you out of your dreams. Because the more you practice your connection to the Divine. You will naturally start to be more confident in its abundant grace. So remember to dream and spend time with yourself. The Universe is your guide.
As you grow through life with this type of mindset. You will start to notice a shift. When challenges happen, you will have a more content and confident attitude. People will generally “sense your energy” as being positive and uplifting. What most people would struggle with, it will not faze you as much. You will notice this by people complimenting you when you share a story about challenges you have faced. This is the Essence of God being expressed through you. Expressing gratitude and seeing good things around you, gives a different outlook on life. Believe all is possible and see that everyone has the image of God within themselves. Even if they don’t know how to express it.
If you can look at life through the eyes of a child, but envision what you want as an adult. The possibilities are limitless. Develop a love connection to the Divine. All things are possible.