In 1981 I was awakened in the night with a gentle voice that told me to get a pen and write down the information they were going to be sharing with me. I was a young married woman who had been reading higher consciousness information and had recently started A Course in Miracles. I did what they asked (they refer to themselves as “we”) and listened as they said the following:
“Danna, the biggest problem that you have is that you think you are too small. You are not small.” They then instructed me, “Be careful with whom you share this message for two reasons: 1) It could threaten other people’s thought systems and beliefs, and 2) The IWDT syndrome.” I asked what that was, and they said, “The ‘I will doubt, too’ syndrome.” I believe the suggestion that I think I am too small is fairly true for almost of all us! I also know that if we share spiritual messages with non-believers they can make us unnecessarily doubt or defend ourselves.
At that time in my life, I was a business entrepreneur with a master’s degree. I had taught junior high for several years and then had begun working in the business world. I was a speaker on success and motivation, and I wore business suits while I trained professional organizations on self-esteem, sales, positive motivation, etc. My point being that I was not the “woo woo” type and I hadn’t explored metaphysics or higher consciousness for more than a year or so before the arrival of The Twelve Wise Ones, as I began to refer to them.
In those times, to even read about higher consciousness and anything metaphysical, you had to go the occult section of the book stores. Religions had such a stranglehold on spirituality, I felt guilty for even reading this material, let alone share that I was hearing voices. My husband at the time was aware of my writing in the night but he didn’t know what to think of it—a little bit in awe, but also, sometimes skeptical.
Over the next 40+ years I have listened usually at night and then, in the mornings I typed the handwritten messages from The Wise Ones. They have never given me names but have said there are twelve of them and they are sharing messages of profound truth and of utmost importance. They sometimes spoke in a female voice and sometimes in a male voice. I was always in a state of twilight—between fully awake and almost asleep. If I woke up too much I lost the connection. I learned to write in bed, in the dark, on large legal tablets.
I often saw what appeared as a swirling light but sometimes it was like a dark, deep tunnel. One time I awakened and saw two translucent figures at the end of the bed—a male and a female with a warm, loving appearance and posture, as though they were holding hands. I asked them who they were, and they answered that they have been with me my whole life, that they had always been with me, that they loved me, and that they would always be with me. I asked why I see a black hole or tunnel like appearance when I am in a deep state, and they said it was to get them to me and to get me to them.
I am sharing these early experiences to demonstrate the arrival of The Twelve Wise Ones, in hopes that it will encourage others to connect with Source, angels, universal consciousness, or whatever term suits you. In my future articles I will share more stories and the many messages of spiritual transformation and evolution I have been receiving for so many years.
Over the next twenty years I worked as a marketing director for regional CPA firms, medical and radiology groups, and as a consultant and speaker for almost every kind of industry. I developed a very professional reputation and rarely shared my source of understanding or that I was listening to messages from The Wise Ones. But I infused all my work with the spiritual understanding and authenticity of their words.
In 1991, after ten years of intermittent guidance, probably due to my availability and willingness to listen, I had a very strange and inspiring experience. In a half waking and half sleeping state, I was lifted high into the air and suspended in flank with beautiful angelic-like beings who had breast plates like warriors and broad wings. A choir of the most extraordinary voices gloriously sang as we swayed to the angelic rhythm. We were surrounded with beautiful waves of colors that vibrated with the music. It was incredible.
Suddenly I was back, lying in my bed, in a state of astonishment. The Wise Ones then told me that I would be doing work that had something to do with “spirit in business.” They said this was not the optimum time, that more time needed to transpire, and that I would know when it was time. I laid there, transfixed, wondering if that was just a dream. But how could I imagine such a beautiful experience. I dutifully wrote it down but didn’t know exactly what they meant until 2000.
I believe, like all of us, I was guided in the many chapters of my life to gain understanding for what I would be doing after 2000. What seemed like accidents or amazing coincidences, I now see were synchronistic events nudging me through the experiences that prepared me to do the work I intended and was destined to do.
After the beginning of 2000, I had experiences that are almost beyond belief, even for me who experienced them. At that time, I was led to write a book about the complex and difficult relationships in workplace culture. I went on to be a keynote speaker or opening speaker throughout the US and Canada in major cities and to national and international business audiences discussing the ego drama, the toxicity, the dysfunction, and the suffering in workplaces everywhere. In my new book, The Illuminated Workplace, I continue to communicate a message for transcending the drama and healing relationships in the workplace and the world.
My books and talks are about rebuilding relationships by honoring the spirit in ourselves and others residing beneath our self-created identities that battle and compete for power. The roles we play are shabby imitations of who we really are, and one day, as we replace fear with trust and compassion, there will be a shift in consciousness, and people everywhere will be restored to their true selves, their inner greatness, intended by the Creator.
In future articles I will continue to share my journey and the messages from The Twelve Wise Ones. As a business author and speaker, I have been hesitant to reveal this information because of my professional audiences, but I am now, for the first time, fully telling my stories on “Co-Creation Global.” Now is the time for all of us to share!