How to Align with Your True Life Purpose

Have you ever felt stuck and unfulfilled in your life? As if there is more to experience. More emotions to feel. More like-minded souls to connect with. More impact to have. 

It’s rare that we are born into a place where we can grow up fully aligned to our desires. Children grow up going through a long-winded process until they can experience who they are again. Our society and our communities condition us to think, feel, act and behave in a certain way. We lose touch with our innocence and our essence. We wear masks and please people to survive. It’s hard to derail. As humans, we are part of our communities and it can become scary to step out of it and become a lone wolf. Life becomes numb and we have to infuse certain experiences to become alive.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. True, embodied living can be different. We each have our true soul blueprint that has a certain mission to fulfill in this life. We are here for a PURPOSE. We are not here to pass time, consume, work, have fun and die. There is always a higher perspective to experience. 

It’s within deep discontentment and pain where we can wake up to the knowing that there is more. We awaken to the reality that we are not robots serving the system. Instead, we are a magnificent particle of the Universe, who wants to express its being.

Did you ever sit in a beautiful landscape and feel so awestruck and connected with life? Did you ever look into the eyes of your beloved and feel so magnetized and feel this life force flow through you? These moments of presence and deep unconditional love can become our day-to-day reality. 

The key is to get in touch with your soul, to experience who you are before all the labels and roles were assigned to you and unpeel all the layers of conditioning. To discover which activities, places, and people give you incredible amounts of joy,  and do more of that. 

So how do you go about finding your true purpose? Here are a few techniques that help me:

  • Journal: Go deep within your soul and write down what you experience on an emotional level during the day. Map where you are and where you’d like to be. What would you be doing? Who would you be with? Where would you be? Follow your highest excitement, and dream big.
  • Meditate: Often you need to find clarity. You can have too many contrasting thoughts and feelings. Meditation helps you calm your mind, come back to center and let the whispers of your soul speak to you. You’ll find the soul speaks to you when your mind is quiet. Your intuition will guide you in the right way.
  • Accept and surrender: Don’t try to change your situation out of desperation as that is the ego taking action. Usually, there is a deeper lesson to learn. When you integrate it, the soul will nudge you in the right direction. Maintain peace and presence always.
  • Follow your joy: When you can find the activities that bring you to your flow state, do more of that. It can be as simple as watching a sunset, doing yoga, swimming, or having a deep conversation with your friend. When you fuel your life with positive experiences, your life begins to have a purpose.
  • Travel: Travel brings you back to your true essence since you can discover, learn and see the world through fresh eyes. Often when we get outside of our comfort zone, that is when the magic happens. We learn and we grow in an infinite spiral.
  • Ikigai: This concept comes from Japanese Zen. You create a beautiful diagram that will enlighten you on your true purpose. It combines these aspects:  what you love, what you are good at, what you can monetize, and what the world needs.

When you discover and fuel your soul essence, it will spill over to the rest of your life. You won’t get satisfaction in your 9-to-5 job anymore. That’s when beauty happens, and you apply your purpose to your work life.

You are here on a mission to use your talents, skills, and gifts to serve humanity and the planet. We are here to help each other and become better together. Everyone has something they can offer to others, whether it is a massage, brand training or jewelry. That’s the miracle of life; we are part of a web of relationships and it’s our calling to discover how we fit into that puzzle.


About Barbora Pocuchova

Barbora is a copywriter and digital marketer with 7+ years of experience. Her purpose is to inspire change through well-being and regeneration. Barbora helps conscious e brands create clear marketing strategies and write powerful content that improve online visibility and amplifies their positive impact.

Barbora has grown up and lived in eight countries across Europe, America, and Oceania. She shares a passion for personal development, healing and well-being and is a certified yoga instructor.

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Barbora Pocuchova

Barbora is a copywriter and digital marketer with 7+ years of experience. Her purpose is to inspire change through well-being and regeneration. Barbora helps conscious e brands create clear marketing strategies and write powerful content that improve online visibility and amplifies their positive impact. Barbora has grown up and lived in eight countries across Europe, America, and Oceania. She shares a passion for personal development, healing and well-being and is a certified yoga instructor.