Whether it be a film, book, play, fairy tale or even folk story, there seems to be a common theme of the hero. All these heroes can be placed in the realm of fantasy or fiction. Even when we see biographies of the heroes transcending adversity depicted in films, TV dramas, or even books, we still can’t make the connection between them and us. They almost make us feel insignificant in our own lives.
Three heroes of mine, who made an enormous impact on the Western world were Gandhi, Martin Luther King and John Lennon. They all seem to have the ability to resonate with people’s hearts and minds. But they also had a shadow side, which many people who try to discredit what they did, seem to point out.
That should never diminish what these three did with their lives and the changes they made in people’s minds and hearts. All of us humans have perfect imperfections and these three were all good examples of that.
These three heroes of mine I have picked for a reason. All of them were calling for peace, and a profound change. All of them dedicated themselves to this journey where it became their life and journey. And all of them were shot. They actually received the complete opposite of what they were calling for from the world. But we must consider there are many more people now doing much the same work without the publicity or accolades.
Humanity as a species seems to have been put into some kind of redeemer trance, where we expect someone else to come along and save us from our suffering. This has taken us so far away from the nature of our reality and couldn’t be further from our own personal truth. And this has really manifested in our material world with the prominence of the pharmaceutical industry to look after our health and Government to look after our affairs. On closer inspection, both are failing miserably.
What I am saying here is that this comes down to your perception and how you see your life. Your perception may be hijacked, and here’s why. You are the hero of your story. You are the star in your movie. You are the most important being in your existence. And you have come here to learn, to grow, and to tune into your higher consciousness. And this does not have to consist of big profound changes that everyone hears about. This can be your own personal small victories and accomplishments.
Have you ever thought about the world in these terms? The world around you is the way it is to make it easier for you to embark on your hero’s journey. You don’t have to look too hard for all the amazing opportunities for you to be a power for good. One of the reasons is because we have fallen for the trap of offering your time for money. Therefore, we don’t do what we can, because we are not getting paid for it.
When you get into this flow of life, I have experienced that the money comes when you need it, when you align yourself with your values and how you can help others. We all have amazing gifts to share. I am talking about living more like an entrepreneur than an employee. You take the rough with the smooth, and as soon as you decide what you do is to help other people, no matter what, everything starts to change. And it changes profoundly.
What the hero’s journey is about is your own personal journey of self-discovery. It is very personal to you. It is all about your perceptions of this world. It is all about you aligning and waking up to your own personal realisations and personal actualisations. It is usually our courage that is lacking to create the life you want. Finding the courage to do this can be hard, but most definitely achievable. Taking the first step to change is the most important part of this. The rest will follow.
I am so lucky to see people doing this at the Bright Beings Academy every day. I love watching people make changes in themselves that makes their lives improve for the better. It is just a change in perception and how you look at your life and your part in the world.
The Vedas do teach us if you focus on your spiritual life, you will be ok in this time of the Kali Yuga. The Kali Yuga is the bottom of the cycle, which is why the world comes across as being so chaotic and unjust.
We are approaching a short golden age inside of the Kali Yuga. No one seems to know exactly how this will pan out, but one thing is for sure, it is easier to see what you don’t want when you look at the world today. This is what our ancestors told us it would be like. And we can really benefit from this knowledge by moving towards a more spiritual life, aligned with each other and nature.
Take the first step today on your hero’s journey. See where it takes you. I hope you find some wonderful places and make some amazing memories that you treasure for lifetimes. I am sure you will if you put your mind to it.
Until the next post,
Be well and keep shining.