THE GREAT PAUSE Part 2 – Why we can not go back to normal [VIDEO 10min, 20sec]

In chapter one of this video, we put a critical lens on the current failing system and show why it doesn’t make sense to go back to the degenerative ‘abnormal normal’. In the second chapter we zoom in on the possibilities of how we can solve our problems at the root cause level. The Covid-19 lockdown is a case-study that proves that we indeed can change society very quickly if we have a compelling reason to do so.

About Robert Schram

Robert Schram is a co-founder and coordinator for United Earth and director of Mother Earth Trust. He is also a co-creator of manifesting Co-living Synergy Hubs worldwide. The Hubs are mainly intended to facilitate digital nomads and for developing/coordinating of sharing and awareness tools to organize a ‘Movements of Movements’. This to strengthen the momentum towards the new paradigm. At the Hub's we co-create on transition platforms and educational tools that are based on sharing and gifting.
Robert is a promoter for several RBE (resource-based economy) Movements and a Climate Reality Leader.
Robert is the author of his book ‘Quasar, THE NEW WORLD’: a plan with 180 recommendations for a new world.
Before his writing period, he worked for several engineering and installation companies in the Netherlands and Germany as a freelance project-coordinator HVAC. Robert has coordinated over 50 projects in 30 years.
The Great Pause series are a co-production of WorldSummit & HackHumanity in co-creation with Troy Wiley, Evan Webster Wiley and Envienta, and Open Source Everything.


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Robert Schram

Robert Schram is a co-founder and coordinator for United Earth and director of Mother Earth Trust. He is also a co-creator of manifesting Co-living Synergy Hubs worldwide. The Hubs are mainly intended to facilitate digital nomads and for developing/coordinating of sharing and awareness tools to organize a ‘Movements of Movements’. This to strengthen the momentum towards the new paradigm. At the Hub's we co-create on transition platforms and educational tools that are based on sharing and gifting. Robert is a promoter for several RBE (resource-based economy) Movements and a Climate Reality Leader. Robert is the author of his book ‘Quasar, THE NEW WORLD’: a plan with 180 recommendations for a new world. Before his writing period, he worked for several engineering and installation companies in the Netherlands and Germany as a freelance project-coordinator HVAC. Robert has coordinated over 50 projects in 30 years. The Great Pause series are a co-production of WorldSummit & HackHumanity in co-creation with Troy Wiley, Evan Webster Wiley and Envienta, and Open Source Everything.